Big ideas on Level-Up with Meytier

How to Network Effectively with Kevin Petry

Kevin Petry

Takeaways from Level-Up with Meytier Webinar, April 2023

What did I miss? The eighth event in the Level-Up with Meytier series took place on April, 25th 2023 addressing all things Networking and featuring guest speaker and networking guru Kevin Petry, Operating Partner - Sales at Newark Venture Partners, in conversation with Victoria Perez de Agreda from Team Meytier.

Kevin Petry

Takeaways from Level-Up with Meytier Webinar, April 2023

What did I miss? The eighth event in the Level-Up with Meytier series took place on April, 25th 2023 addressing all things Networking and featuring guest speaker and networking guru Kevin Petry, Operating Partner - Sales at Newark Venture Partners, in conversation with Victoria Perez de Agreda from Team Meytier.

Whether it’s for sales, career development, your job search or expanding your influence - all of us need to know how to network.

What is Level-Up with Meytier? It is a series of live career development webinars to help you LEVEL-UP & boost your career. We feature different coaches and topics each month, to help you achieve your goals. As part of our mission and commitment to you, all our events are free. You can sign-up for our next webinar here

Whether it’s for sales, career development, your job search or expanding your influence - all of us need to know how to network. Our event focused on pressing questions for all busy professionals trying to prioritize what to do with limited time: Where should you spend your energy? How do you make connections virtually as well as in-person? How can you leverage social media? How can you network in your workplace?

Key Takeaways

  1. To be successful think about giving first - Networking is about engagement, learning, and building relationships where there is mutual value, whether professional or personal.
  2. Build Your Network Before You Need It - Always be aware of those you meet that would be great to stay in contact with near and long term. Look to those you know that have connections with those you'd like to meet to make introductions.
  3. Always Be Networking - Be proactive, ask if you can connect via the appropriate social platform. Resist the one-and-done and keep your network current by making a point to reach back out to people from time to time to just see how they are doing.
  4. Build your Professional Credibility on LinkedIn - Your network on LinkedIn can play a significant role in not only being discovered and getting the job, but also contributing to your career success moving forward.
  5. Leverage Technology to Amplify yourself - Your ability to amplify yourself through active participation and engagement on social media or appropriate platforms is a great way to discover others that have similar interests.

Kevin Petry has years of success in the area of B2B/SaaS sales strategy, process, and execution. His experience includes leadership roles with Entertainment Publications (IAC) and Groupon where as VP of Sales Development and Training he built and led the team that supported the fastest growing company in history. A New Jersey native, since returning to the area he has been working with technology company founders, leadership, and sales teams in support of their development and growth, as Operating Partner - Sales at Newark Venture Partners.

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