Just a few years ago, there was a lot of hope that technology-based solutions would eliminate human bias in the hiring process. Now, we know that technology can not only replicate human bias but amplify it. Much of this hiring technology is made by teams that reflect the notoriously undiverse technology industry and, most importantly, are not trained on data that properly represents women and racial minorities. Technology is only as unbiased as the data it is trained on. These screening technologies are widely used and create a system of automated rejection that overwhelmingly impacts minorities in the job search. Our technology team continually researches industry-leading parsers to understand what these systems are looking for and what kinds of resumes they like. These are our top tips to optimize your resume to make it through a computer screening process.
Job searching is hard. The online job search can be especially taxing. Computer screening systems are unforgiving, but they aren’t impossible to crack. Read our recruiter’s top tips for an eye-catching resume. Happy job searching!