We believed that women could be empowered to better represent themselves through the job search process, but mostly, companies needed to change the way they look for, screen, and interview applicants to truly make a dent in the stagnant gender diversity levels we’ve experienced in the past ten years. We hit the ground running. Our unique backgrounds in technology and services companies, careers spent on the other end of the hiring tables, have helped us better understand how companies hire and where in the process candidates start to get lost. Three years later, the result is as follows, a hiring philosophy that brings out the best in candidates and companies.
Expand Your Horizons
Companies often express a desire to hire more employees from underrepresented backgrounds, be it gender, race, nationality, disability, or other. Yet, they often do so without changing the ways they look for candidates. If you’re consistently working with the same pools of candidates from the same job boards, conferences, colleges, etc., then you’re not really going to increase diversity in a meaningful way. We focus on expanding the pool of potential candidates. We connect with affinity groups, alumni associations, organizations, and our ever-growing network of women job-seekers to ensure that right from the beginning, more women are brought to the table.
Screen Smarter
Screening tools often present unintended biases in the job search process. From resume screening tools that filter out more modest resumes to AI systems trained on men’s profiles to video interview tools that struggle to understand women’s voices, the potential for bias in technology is vast. Most of these tools are a form of automated rejection, intending to eliminate as many possible candidates from the first round before the resumes land on a human’s desk. Unfair rejection in these early screening rounds can have deep consequences for diversity. Instead of using our technology to simply eliminate candidates, we’ve made the initial screening step an opportunity to find candidates you may have missed. Rather than just removing candidates from the running for not claiming certain skills, we’ve focused on gaining a deep understanding of the industries our clients work in so we can analyze candidate’s profiles for understatement, skills they may have but not claimed, and how they compare to others in their field, and other data that may determine their potential to fit in at your organization, such as their propensity to move jobs and ability to learn new skills. When the profiles are available for a human to read, we’ve kept it blind, removing proxies for age, gender, and race, by removing names, year of graduation, schools attended (replaced with degree attained), and more.
A Champion
Not only do candidates need support through the job search, interview, negotiation, and onboarding processes, companies do too. Far too often, we find that what candidates are missing in the job search is a champion. Someone who advocates for them, someone to act as a sounding board, someone who can give honest feedback and support. They aren’t the only ones. Companies need a champion as well. In this competitive talent market, companies need someone who believes in them, their mission, and their promise as an employer. Companies need someone to provide honest feedback and make suggestions on hiring practices. We see ourselves as your champion. We represent our candidates well, and we advocate for our clients. We find strong matches between individuals and organizations we believe in.
Our mission is simple: “widen the gate” - expand the pipeline of candidates who apply and ensure a diverse slate for every role. Find candidates great opportunities at companies where they can grow, and find companies top-tier talent while helping diversify their people. We empower our clients to make better hiring decisions using data, analytics, and a touch of human magic. If you’re a candidate, find your next dream job (here), or shoot us an (email) to speak with one of our talented representatives. If you’re a company looking to hire, reach out to us (here) to get started.
Looking for more information on equitable hiring? Team Meytier is deeply passionate about this subject. Do you have a question about equitable hiring you’d like us to write about? Reach out here.
How to source more diverse candidates