Big ideas on Level-Up with Meytier

Welcome to Bragtown with Danielle Hughes

Danielle Hughes

Takeaways from Level-Up with Meytier Webinar, March 2023

What did I miss? The seventh event in the Level-Up with Meytier series took place on March 7th 2023, and featured inspirational (and very relatable!) speaker Danielle Hughes. This workshop focused on an important skill - how to brag about yourself.

Danielle Hughes

Takeaways from Level-Up with Meytier Webinar, March 2023

What did I miss? The seventh event in the Level-Up with Meytier series took place on March 7th 2023, and featured inspirational (and very relatable!) speaker Danielle Hughes. This workshop focused on an important skill - how to brag about yourself.

Highlight your uniqueness in a genuine and relatable way.

What is Level-Up with Meytier? It is a series of live career development webinars to help you LEVEL-UP & boost your career, for free. We feature different coaches and topics each month, to help you achieve your goals. You can sign-up for our next event here.

We welcomed back speaker Danielle Hughes to help our attendees learn an all important skill: how to brag about yourself. We have all heard the expression, "you are your biggest asset." So why do so many of us feel reluctant to let our personality shine in business? Maybe it's because we don't know how. Or worse, we fear showing too much of ourselves will alienate potential clients. Surprise! It’s actually the opposite. People are hungry for personality. That’s what drives connection.

Key Takeaways

  1. Professionalism and Personality Aren’t Mutually Exclusive
  2. Practice Your Pitch
  3. Assume Positive Intent

Danielle Hughes is a sought after speaker and trainer who’s helped hundreds of people learn how to create their Personality Brand. She loves seeing people transform from who they think they should be to who they really are. As the Chief Personality Officer of More Than Words Marketing, a branding and copywriting consultancy in NYC, she's worked with brands like Google, eBay, PwC, Discovery Channel, Capital One, Gap, TD Bank, SEO, Columbia University, What Matters and more. And, while she can’t pull a rabbit out of her hat, she can hone your brand message, engage your audience and deadlift you or your employees, but not at the same time. That’s just irresponsible. (note: Danielle is available for office party tricks and accepts payment in bottles of Bordeaux.)

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